As excited as you may be for your kids to head back to school, they may not yet be at this point. There are simple ways to help your kids get in an exciting back-to-school mood, and you can bet that a flower delivery service is involved in a couple of them. Read our blog today for help getting your kids hopeful for the new year, and get local flower delivery in Milwaukee from Welke’s House of Roses today.
Host An End-Of-Summer Bash
Throwing a party with all of your child’s friends will make them remember all the fun and friends they have at school. Whether it’s a sleepover or an afternoon playing water games in the backyard, this time with friends is sure to remind your child of how fun school can be.
Have popcorn and snacks, games, and movies once night falls, or get a few more summer night games in. Your kids may not recognize that you had flowers delivered for the event, but decorating with flowers will show you care, add some color, and make your Instagram post from the night look just right.
Order Flowers For Your Child’s Teacher
Your child’s teacher is transitioning back into school as well! When you order flowers for them, you’ll show your appreciation and even help your child be excited about their return to the classroom. Children are more likely to excel in school and enjoy their experience when their parents are more involved in the learning and educational process, including having a relationship with the teacher.
Instead of the classic apple on the desk, opt for a fruit basket with apples, specialty candles, or fall-themed flowers. We offer same-day flower delivery in Milwaukee earlier, so count on our flower delivery service this school year.

Make A School Bus Cake
Perhaps you can incorporate this into the end-of-summer bash, but this idea is so fun that it deserves to stand alone. Whether you save it for the very night before school or make it for your child’s back-to-school party, the anticipation of having a specially made cake for the school year will be highly motivating and exciting for your child.
Make a school bus cake as a surprise (it’s sure to be a tradition every year afterward) or let your child make it with you as you enjoy the last little bit of spending extra time together.
New Clothes, New You
Back-to-school shopping can get pricey to say the least. Though we’re sure you’ll get a few new clothing items for your children, letting them get involved will make the process more fun for them. They’ll be so excited to go to school and show off their new clothes, for example, if you let them decorate shirts or even make tie-dye T-shirts.
Some simple T-shirt paint and glitter can go a long way with decor, and your child will be able to flex their creative muscles. Even better, it won’t cost you much and your child will be so excited to show their friends the new clothes.
Get flower delivery in the Milwaukee area today from Welke’s House of Roses. Whether for a party, for your child’s teacher, or for something else entirely, we’re happy to offer our flower delivery service.