If you just received a stunning bouquet of flowers and immediately want to know the name of each one within, then you are in luck, because there’s an app for that! Plant and flower identifier apps have come a long way in the past few years, and they make it easy to quickly get any specimen identified with just the click of the camera on your phone. There are many different identification apps to choose from, though, which is why the flower experts at Milwaukee’s top flower shop, Welke’s House of Roses, made your search simpler by listing the best review plant and flower ID apps for your convenience. Review the list below and get snapping!

Display Your Botanical Knowledge with a Plant Identification App

This popular app uses artificial intelligence to identify plants and flowers you’ve just taken a picture of or uploaded from your phone. You may be provided with several similar choices or a name you’re not familiar with although still correct. You get results quickly the AI used claims 99% accuracy. Additionally, this app offers plant care tips, information on pest control, and identifying plant disease as well. PictureThis is a subscription service app but offers a free 7-day trial.

Another subscription-based service app, but completely different in how results are generated. Rather than using computer-based AI, when you upload a photo of a plant or flower you want identified a team of botanical experts will analyze it and provide with the results. Many results are provided within the hour, but some may take 24 hours or more. Since there is human involvement, there is a fee of .99 cents for each correct identification. If a correct ID is not provided, you will not be charged. Plus, the first three IDs are free.

What’s That Flower?
This is a popular app which does not rely on photo uploads for identification. Rather, you answer questions about the flower you wish to know about, such as color, the region where it was spotted, and the number of petals, and then the app offers up a number of potential candidates which fit the description. With over 600 varieties of flowers, it’s easy to lose time perusing through all the cool options. Each flower image comes with detailed information about it as well as its taxonomy.

This free app instantly identifies plants of all kinds including flowers, succulents, trees, mushrooms, cacti, and more. At your fingertips is a database of over 500,000 species and over 150 million images. PlantSnap uses AI to identify a plant or flower based off of a picture of a leaf or part of a plant. For any plant that is not in the database, you have the option to save it, thus adding to the app’s continued “learning.” Information about a plant’s origin, genus, size, fruit, and flower are also available. For fewer ads, a premium paid version can be purchased.
For Those Wildflower Lovers Among Us…
If you’re more of a wildflower lover who would like to identify those you see while walking about or hiking on a trail, there is an app for nearly every region of the U.S. Click here to find which wildflower apps are available for your neck of the woods.